- Academic Research and Dissertation Consulting
- Overview
- Course Work Assistance
- Comprehensive Exams
- Topic Development
- Prospectus and Concept Paper
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Systematic Literature Review
- Qualitative Methodology
- Quantitative Methodology
- Power Analysis
- Transcription
- Qualitative Aanalysis
- Statistical-Analysis
- Discussion Section
- Dissertation Defense
- Virtual Tutoring and Coaching
- Thesis Consulting
- Journal Article Assistance
- Medium Article Assistance
We can assist you with developing a testing plan and performing your full analysis for each of the below research designs.
Experience with even the most complex analysis
Access to all major statistical software
Revisions and assistance until approval
QandQ Consulting was founded by statisticians, and one of our core specialties remains providing dissertation help to candidates with their statistical analysis and results chapters. As we often say at QandQ, nothing is too complex, and so whether you’re completing a straightforward correlational study using a well-known survey instrument or engaged in higher level structural equation modeling to examine latent variables, we’re uniquely qualified to perform your statistical analysis and provide you with a compelling and approval-ready results discussion.
There are 3 ways to initiate contact with us:
- Please review and submit the following form. Someone from our team will contact you within 1 hour (during business hours), or at your requested time.
- Alternatively, our consulting team is available via telephone Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M Eastern Time (5:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M Pacific Time), and from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Eastern Time on Saturday (5:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M Pacific Time). Feel free to call us
- We also pride ourselves on our very prompt and in-depth e-mail responses, 365 days per year. We normally answer all urgent queries very promptly, including late-night and weekend requests. You can email us at Info@qandqmanagemnet.co.uk
Please be prepared to discuss the specifics of your project, your timeline for assistance, and any other relevant information regarding your proposed consultation. We respect the confidentiality of your project and will, at your request, supply you with a Non-Disclosure Agreement before discussing specifics.
As with qualitative research, studies with quantitative methodologies have a number of possible designs, each of which must be articulated effectively in your research questions (and hypotheses), variables, and testing plan in order to ensure robust results. At QandQ, we can assist you with developing a testing plan and performing your full analysis for each of the below research designs–and we can also help you determine if additional testing is needed to guarantee compelling findings and faster approval. Our expert statisticians are proficient with virtually every statistical method and test across a broad range of statistical software packages, including SPSS, SAS, STATA, R, LISREL/AMOS/EQS, and many others.
- Descriptive: Descriptive analysis is, on its own, not typically considered robust enough for doctoral-level research, because no relationships are being examined or inferred. That being said, it is important in terms of providing a basic summary of your sample and dataset. This is done through measuring, for example, either frequency and percentage (for nominal variables) or mean, median, and standard deviation (for interval variables). Our statisticians can assist you with this initial statistical analysis prior to orient your readers before completing the more rigorous analysis necessary to ensure your results are ready for final review and approval.
- Correlational: While correlational research is also relatively simple, unlike descriptive studies, correlational studies do have both independent and dependent variables. That being said, some of the more critical methodologists and reviewers at the major online universities will often press for a more sophisticated research design and analysis. For researchers seeking statistical consulting help completing their correlational testing, we can perform all necessary analysis using the appropriate correlation (Pearson, Kendall, Spearman, or Point-Biserial).
- Causal-comparative: While the causal-comparative design is similar to a correlational design, it goes beyond simply identifying associations between variables. Researchers who select a causal-comparative design are interested in more directly comparing groups, to determine whether an independent variable affects the dependent variable (or outcome) for these groups in terms of effects, causes, and consequences. While causal-comparative studies cannot fully prove causation, they can point to the need for a more deliberate (rather than ex post facto) analysis. Our statisticians can perform all necessary inferential analysis for your causal-comparative study, including the chi-square test, paired-samples or independent t-tests, and ANOVA or ANCOVA, as appropriate. We can also address any potential issues of internal and external validity that may arise from completing statistical analysis for pre-existing conditions.
- Quasi-experimental: Studies with this type of design involve actually conducting an experiment and analyzing the collected data (rather than working with a pre-existing set of circumstances, as in the above designs). This design remains quasi-experimental, however, because of the lack of random assignment; the groups themselves are predetermined. Because of the presence of an experimental and control group, however, the design and thus the analysis are more robust. Here, too, inferential statistics are appropriate, as well as regression and/or multiple regression analysis.
- Experimental: For truly experimental designs, random assignment is used to determine the experimental and control groups, in order to prevent any other possible factors impacting any differences between the intervention and/or variables being tested. Again, inferential statistics are required to determine the impact of the independent variable or variables on the outcome. Our statistical analysis team has extensive experience with both quasi-experimental and experimental studies, and can complete a full analysis often in as little as 2-3 days.
Our statisticians can also assist with more complex analyses, such as structural equation modeling (SEM) and path analysis, as needed. After performing your analysis, we then send you the outputs of the completed statistical analysis (along with any figures and tables), all in your required format, along with a detailed summary of the findings. Because of our experience with the major online universities, we’re able to tailor this summary to your specific university’s guidelines, checklists, and templates–to ensure faster approval with this critical section of your dissertation research.
From here, we work with you extensively to address any revisions you’d like, explain to you how to interpret the results, provide ample instruction on the methods used (and why) and what the results mean, and allow unlimited statistical consulting support to ensure that you completely understand the results of the analysis and can discuss (and defend!) them with your chair and committee.
Mixed methods analysis
Mixed methods research can sometimes feel like twice the work when you get to analysis, since you have to use completely different software and approaches for your quantitative and qualitative research and data, and then examine both sets in relationship to each other to truly answer your questions. However, for many of our dissertation consulting clients, it truly is the best approach to ensure that results are robust and nuanced.
If you’re preparing to complete both statistical analysis and qualitative analysis of your data for your mixed methods study, we can draw on our industry-leading expertise in both approaches to ensure a successful conclusion to your research. In addition to performing all necessary testing and in-depth qualitative analysis, we can ensure that your results chapter discusses your quantitative and qualitative data as they relate to each of your research questions and in relationship with each other. This is clearly important if you’re using a survey which has quantitative and qualitative aspects, or if you’re analyzing a more traditional survey alongside interview, focus group, or other qualitative data. As part of our assistance, we’ll also provide you with full outputs for both your qualitative and statistical analysis for inclusion as appendices.

Let’s keep it a secret…
Before sharing your materials with us, we will send you our Non-Disclosure Agreement, which guarantees that your work materials, and even your identity as a client, will never be shared with a third party.
statistical analysis projects completed last year
% analyses approved on first submission
% statistical analyses returned within one week